Frequently Asked Questions About OEM Volvo Parts

Posted on: 13 May 2018

If you need a part replaced in your Volvo, it is always recommended that you ask the mechanic if they are using original equipment manufacturer, OEM, parts or whether they are using aftermarket parts. Unfortunately, though, many people do not understand what OEM parts are and the importance of using them in your car. Here are a few of the questions you may have about OEM Volvo parts, as well as the answers. 

What Exactly Are OEM Parts?  

OEM Volvo parts are parts that are manufactured by Volvo. They are the same exact parts that are found in your car when you first purchase your car. Think about it like this; when you purchase a new iPhone, all of the parts of the phone are made by Apple. But if the battery begins to die or you crack the screen, you may take the phone somewhere other than Apple to have the parts replaced. Some places will use Apple parts, while others may use parts that fit an iPhone but aren't made by Apple. This is what happens with car parts. OEM parts are made by the manufacturer of your car, whereas aftermarket parts are made from a variety of different companies. 

Why is it Beneficial to Use OEM Parts? 

The primary reason why it is beneficial to use OEM parts when you need auto work done is that those parts are made specifically by the manufacturer to work in the type of car you have. Other parts may fit, and they may even work, but your gas mileage may decrease, or other parts may have their lifespan shortened because the parts are not up to the manufacturer's specifications. 

Additionally, if you ever go to sell your car, cars with OEM typically have a higher value. A private buyer may not notice that you don't have OEM parts, but a car dealership will. 

How Do You Know If a Mechanic is Using OEM Parts?

When you are selecting a mechanic shop or auto body shop, ask them if they use OEM Volvo parts. If they state they do, always ask to see the order receipt for the parts you needed in your car. This helps to show that they ordered the part directly from Volvo and that the parts are authentic. 

If your car has been involved in a car accident or has a part that has failed, you may need new parts for your car. Knowing what OEM Volvo parts are and why they are important will help you to better understand the importance of asking an auto mechanic or auto body shop whether they will be using OEM parts on your car or aftermarket parts. 
